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Legal Notice

Legal Entity

LE BERRE Pierre et Monique
3 Chemin de Kerlann
Furnished tourist rental
SIRET 40517733800010

Intellectual Property

All elements of this website, especially its presentation, its content cannot be modified, altered, partially or totally reproduced without the express agreement of Olivier Le Berre. The pictures have no contractual value.

Olivier Le Berre does not grant license to use or reproduce all or part of the content of this website other than by downloading and printing, for purely personal, non-commercial use. Consequently, any other use, and other communications, reproduction and / or partial or total transmission is strictly prohibited.

Privacy Policy

We only use cookies necessary for the web site efficiency and for which no consent is needed. The web site is not declared to CNIL as it does not collect personal information.


Olivier Le Berre
16 Rue des Cuffins
78830 Bonnelles,France
E-mail : olivier@kerland.net


SCALEWAY 8 rue de la Ville l’Evêque, 75008 Paris - SIREN : 433 115 904 RCS Paris - https://www.scaleway.com/